The End of South Park

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The End of South Park

South Park was my wife and I's pandemic activity and it was AMAZING. Its the best show on TV. Or atleast it was. It tried to align itself with moronic cancel culture and wasn't funny (by anyone's standards) the last couple of seasons and it culminated with Season 24's Vaccination Special.
The good thing is it looks like the creators know its over as well. The main characters agreed they can't continue being themselves and they can't be funny anymore. Because that is now ILLEGAL. In a touching scene the boys depart from each other and it was ultimately an act of mercy.
To the creators of South Park- Please stop the show. Please leave on a high note where your body of work is relatively undiluted and timeless. We LOVED South Park and its sad to see it go. But to continue on as some facsimile of yourself spewing out repressive communist propaganda is horrifying.

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Re: The End of South Park

Post by Big-Will » Mon Mar 15, 2021 8:01 pm

stjones wrote: ↑

Mon Mar 15, 2021 2:43 pm

The main characters agreed they can't continue being themselves and they can't be funny anymore. Because that is now ILLEGAL.

I'll believe that when the police come for the creators.

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Re: The End of South Park

Post by Andrew_B » Tue Mar 30, 2021 3:47 am

I totally agree, something is wrong lately. I watched the Vaccination Special 3 times, just to make sure I wasn't missing something.

I think the hour long format doesn't suit South Parks style of unloading a ridiculous story that illustrates flaws in commonly accepted events/ideals. The more you drag it out the less impact it has.

Also I highly doubt M&T had much to do with writing that episode. You could tell who ever wrote it was emotionally attached to the politics. Where M&T historically don't give a f#ck. I doubt they got trapped in some echo chamber or blind team politics given they have covered how idiotic that is. It felt like watching season 4 of Community, you just know the normal vision/creator is not behind it.

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Re: The End of South Park

Post by jabbapawl » Tue Jun 08, 2021 7:57 am

WTF are you talking about?

+ South Park's Pandemic Special scored the series best ratings in seven years

+ Viewers liked Season 24 just as much as the other recent ones, if not more (Rotten Tomatoes has S24 @ 63%, S23 @ 50%, S22 @ 77%, S21 @ 54%)

+ Trey & Matt have already agreed to do at least another 26 if not 28 episodes (26 if S24E01 and S24E02 are considered double-episodes, otherwise 28), having renewed their contract with Comedy Central until 2023/Season 26 (and having agreed to produce 10 episodes per season)

+ They have repeatedly stated, as recently as a few months ago, that they don't think that they will be doing South Park in 10 years, but that they have not yet even discussed among themselves when to end it

Clearly, S24 was delayed due to the pandemic. A show like South Park, which is always made in a hurry days or even hours before it airs so as to be ultra-relevant to what is going on in the world, is almost impossible to produce from quarantine. Plus, I think they may have been working on a surprise. We haven't heard anything about The Book of Mormon's movie adaptation in a while, so they might have dedicated time to that, which would be wonderful.

I see no reason to think that South Park is over already, and besides, knowing Trey & Matt and how much they are invested in it, it's obvious to me that if South Park were to end, they would end it properly (epically, with all the fireworks that they can deploy) instead of just letting it fade away quietly, as you seem to assume they are doing....

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Re: The End of South Park

Post by jabbapawl » Tue Jun 08, 2021 8:56 am

Andrew_B wrote: ↑

Tue Mar 30, 2021 3:47 am

Also I highly doubt M&T had much to do with writing that episode. You could tell who ever wrote it was emotionally attached to the politics. Where M&T historically don't give a f#ck. I doubt they got trapped in some echo chamber or blind team politics given they have covered how idiotic that is. It felt like watching season 4 of Community, you just know the normal vision/creator is not behind it.

Of course, a conspiracy theory is just what we needed! So why not claim that M&T hadn't much to do w/ writing the episode in spite of all the evidence to the contrary? But the credits are crystal clear, the voice-acting is obviously theirs and as far as the content is concerned, it is perfectly in line with their past material. We shouldn't confuse South Park embracing something with M&T embracing that same thing. The town of South Park does not reflect their views, but rather the way they view contemporary U.S. society. It's social commentary, rather than political activism. And what M&T did in those first two episodes is tackle the new normal, not an easy task for any show, let alone one like theirs. So far, I haven't seen anyone else do it as well. It is not a topic that lends itself to a lot of laughter. A number of people seem to be invested exclusively in them attacking PC culture. That may be a good reason for them not to want to engage in it as much anymore.

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Re: The End of South Park

Post by Andrew_B » Wed Jul 07, 2021 1:12 pm

oh, wow a response... I really appreciate the time you took to create an account an add to the discussion.

hmmm.. I by no means want to start a conspiracy.

Think of my comment comparably to someone who has noticed a close friend who seems down, at the end of their rope even. They suspect their friends whore of a girlfriend is likely to blame. Whether or not their hypothetical friends hypothetical whore of a girlfriend got trained by the local football team or not doesn't really matter.

The focus is on wanting to see their friend happy and back to normal again while being slightly pessimistic about the chances.

I have have a range of theories (ranging from ridiculous to plausible), I can go into all of them if you want a laugh.

M&T in many interviews have said priority 1 is the laugh. You nailed one of my main points when you said:

jabbapawl wrote: ↑

Tue Jun 08, 2021 8:56 am

It is not a topic that lends itself to a lot of laughter.

I didn't laugh once during the South ParQ Vaccination Special. QAnon emerged from 4Chan, the number one trolls on the internet.. not even the biggest dead sh*ts I know believed it was real.

The episode is what I imagine a creative from Yale would think was funny and edgy. Old people giving people the bird.. QAnon .. Vaccines are hard to get.. yawn.

Anyway, I would be very interested to hear why this episode is awesome. A lot of people have given it great reviews, without really saying why.

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Re: The End of South Park

Post by jabstronghadoken » Fri Jul 09, 2021 7:51 am

youd have to be blind not to recognize the obvious dissonance between the agenda pushing propaganda of todays southpark and the satiric humor of yesterdays southpark. ive been thinking the exact same thing with this season.... south park has sold out and its time for it to end. i really dont want to see the eventual upcoming southpark which mocks people who are against little kids being trans.

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Re: The End of South Park

Post by Andrew_B » Tue Jul 13, 2021 10:09 am

jabstronghadoken wrote: ↑

Fri Jul 09, 2021 7:51 am

i really dont want to see the eventual upcoming southpark which mocks people who are against little kids being trans.

Ha ha ha ... awesome point. From Qanon to transgender kids, both ends of the culture war spectrum.


Ask real people you know (in the flesh) ranging from the most left wing panzy soyboys to the very right-wing Jesus loving inbreds in your personal sphere of reality. Ask them if they believe/d in Qanon or children being trans gender / having sex change operations even. Then recursively hit on all the culture war topics you are concerned about. I did this and found zero people I know held any of the culture war viewpoints. So started asking people ... how about a friend of a friend ... still zero.

If no one I know in the real-world buys into this sh*t ... is this really a culture war.

It is also pretty suspicious that it also started at the same time social media / youtube started optimizing ad revenue with ai algorithms. Cable news ratings dropped out the ass end so their methods on gaining revenue / user views became highly questionable. All the new inexperienced platforms were highly exploitable by trolls like 4chan, who sadly cable news reported many of their pranks as real events.

After investigating this for a while I am beginning to think the culture war more so shows us what each side fears / suspects the other believes more than vica versa.

Historically for most of my life I have not had to get off my ass and investigate this type of sh*t... Why? Because South Park has given everyone a reality check before most can even scratch their ass and say wtf are these dicks on CNN/Fox f*cking talking about?

To your main point, would South Park mock people who are against little kids being transgender? Especially after episodes like "Mr. Garrison's Fancy New Vagina"? 5 years ago, I would have told you to stop trolling the forums. Today I would say the possibility is very real. Being big hypocrites and sh*tting on one of history's best tv franchises seems to be the new direction for South Park.

I actually wrote a South Park fan fiction piece (available in this forums fan fiction section) that covers a lot of this last year, including teaser/cutscene. It includes the bs culture war and an Easter egg of M&T sell out of South Park that most upset me.

10 Points and Respect for anyone that picks it :)

Anyway.. I will say they still had massive balls to call out China when no one else would … so South Park is still light years ahead of most of the pieces of sh*t on TV.. Just miss South Park of old.... sadly don't think it will ever be back.

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Re: The End of South Park

Post by Southie0100 » Tue Jul 13, 2021 9:15 pm

20 plus years of laughing my ass off. Thank you south park. I never took it as anything but humor.

Please tell me you have not sold out, or caved to big media bullsh*t! Please! God help your soal if you did! Is it because of the hulu-hbomax deal? (tons of cash to be made by all) Was it because of other influences? This was a pain to watch. I doubt I am the only one that feels violated after watching this last lame ass sudo episode. If you did not want to make any more episodes you could have gone out much better. Is it possible that you made it f-d up on purpose? Maybe to prove some point? You guys of all folks knew you could have come out and told the truth if you were being pinched by some snowflake group. You could have come out clean and we would all have understood. I don't know but I feel like you guys just tolk a steaming hot turd on all your biggest fans.

On top of that I had to sign up for hbo-max in order to watch this crap :timmy: episode. ... salt in the wounds guys.

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Re: The End of South Park

Post by SPFan100 » Wed Jul 14, 2021 6:01 pm

Please don't end the show, I watch this show.

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Re: The End of South Park

Post by gaypenislover » Thu Jul 22, 2021 8:24 pm

You are all full of it. The one hour episodes are great because it means more southpark. There was nothing wrong with the specials either, you probably just have a sad and dull life that doesn't allow joy.

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Re: The End of South Park

Post by Andrew_B » Wed Jul 28, 2021 6:44 am

I can't speak for everyone who has posted here, my thoughts are:

gaypenislover wrote: ↑

Thu Jul 22, 2021 8:24 pm

You are all full of it.

Please elaborate?

gaypenislover wrote: ↑

Thu Jul 22, 2021 8:24 pm

The one hour episodes are great because it means more southpark.

Agree that more South Park is great, double episodes on two different topics would have been better in my opinion, especially if one wasn't political.

gaypenislover wrote: ↑

Thu Jul 22, 2021 8:24 pm

you probably just have a sad and dull life that doesn't allow joy.

lol.. That is a fairly harsh assumption straight out the gate.. ha ha .. I will give it to you though ... on a technicality.

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Re: The End of South Park

Post by Andrew_B » Wed Jul 28, 2021 6:57 am

Further to my last post, I personally am not saying that South Park will literally end. I am saying intelligent, critical thinking South Park of old is dead.
I can argue new South Park BS with old South Park intelligence and you can assess who is full of it.

South Park of old has never taken political sides knowing you will always lose due to an imperfect two party system only offering a douchebag or turd sandwich.
This view stands the test of time and even with Trump and Biden, someone not all fired up from a manufactured culture war can see there is very little difference between their policy.

South Park of new decided to try and influence the election by showing Garrison/Trump burning a Pangolin.
This episode has aged like a turd sandwich left out in the sun given latest evidence on covid-19 origin, making South Park writers look like they were emotionally attached to the politics and not objectively looking at whole picture. When I watched this episode, I imagined the writer writing it all emo like Steven Seagul from the "Safe Space" episode.

South Park of old accurately described the evils of freemium games. These disguised slot machines effects on children alone are a work of the devil (so be it Canadian).

South Park of new created a piece of sh*t freemium game.

Above are the obvious ones, I have many more that are less of a dump on the South Park brand but still highlight the death of critical thinking at South Park. If above is not enough, I can go into them?

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Re: The End of South Park

Post by triplemultiplex » Sat Sep 18, 2021 11:04 pm

Meh, this sounds like the same old belly-aching I've heard for 15 years from people every time they skewer something that doesn't align with their world view.
The mistake was assuming someone was on your side in the first place. Or maybe not recognizing how bat-sh*t one's own world view has become.

I bet you haters will have a different opinion of these eps within 10 years.


You read it! You can't unread it!

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Re: The End of South Park

Post by Machinist23 » Tue Oct 19, 2021 7:45 am

I totally agree with you. I actually came to this forum just to make a post about this very topic. Not only has southpark went full left retard, they aren't even trying to hide it. I loved southpark because they made fun of both sides of politics. They basically polarized many different topics, made you see both points, then proceed to sh*t on both points. After the vaccination special i don't really want to watch any more new southpark. What happened to southpark? When did they decide that they have to pick a side?

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